Forget testing your relationship with another Ikea Project – CulinaryOn’s Cooking Academy is the next date idea which will teach you both life skills AND teamwork skills. Lucky for me, (and unlucky for J) we got to experience an awesome session with the CulinaryOn team learning how to cook various fancy dishes with cheese! Ever since moving in together, I’ve taken cooking more seriously. After all, it is a way of making sure my man is well-fed, content and still healthy (omg, i feel so domesticated now). That means lesser nights of one-pot pasta with sausages as the main ingredient and more attempts at 三菜一汤 (3 veg 1 soup). Once in a while the rice ends up undercooked and crunchy and the sambal veggies a tad too salty, but overall it’s been a great experience. So when we had the opportunity to attend a class at CulinaryOn, I did not…

Date Visited: May 2017 Buffet: Hooked@Edge Dinner Buffet (Wednesdays & Thursdays) Mother’s Day was around the corner and celebrations always meant buffets for my family (that’s why my diet plans never worked out). Since it was the choice of my mom, that meant that the buffet needed a good range of Asian food (we always know someone who goes to hotel buffets and only eat stuff like laksa, chicken rice etc right – that’s my mom) This time, Edge @ Pan Pacific was chosen and it BLEW MY MIND, and my diet too ya. Here’s my review & items you absolutely must try in this buffet! VARIETY Variety was UHMAYZING, ok? Usually buffets tend to be strong in a certain cuisine (eg. Asian) and so-so in the others, or overall not bad, but very few options of each cuisine. Edge was crazy good. Western, Italian, Local, Asian, Japanese … all there. And except…

Ever since I’ve gotten a place of my own, money has been flowing out like water on renovation, appliances, furniture and cute things I probably don’t need but may look amazing in the house. Sounds familiar? Lol! This is probably why I’ve been trying my hardest to find cheaper alternatives, and save more. This means going to the wet market for groceries, comparing prices before I buy things and asking “Do I REALLY need that?”. Omg, adulting is TOUGH. So anyway, recently I’ve tried out and learnt the joys of Shopback. Even though I’ve heard about it from way back, I never got around to trying it out because I thought it would be too complicated. But now that I have – there’s no turning back! Let me tell you more. How it works Basically, Shopback gives you cashback when you shop THROUGH them. So all you have to do…